>Bought the above in downtown C'ville this morning, off the back of a dude's truck. He also had tOmAters 4 sale. For the past 50 years, every Wed and Saturday, the locals will park in downtown Cartersville and sell their garden goods. I've heard this stuff is good. We shall see. I'm testing it on my mother-in-law. She comes in to town today to help with the kiddos while Dana attends a Christian Counseling conference in Nashville. She likes hot salsa (I don't), so this is just a small way to say THANKS for coming and helping us out. My father-in-law John will join in the battle (4 kids) tomorrow morning, broken leg and all.

>Soccer season is in full swing now. Braden and Logan played their first game Monday evening. They both did great and they absolutely love chasing a ball around the field and drinking blue powerade and eating snacks. While I was coaching Logan's team, Braden had a game going on at the same time. According to Dana, Braden played defense most of the game...until he went up to the coach and said something like, "Hey coach, I'd like to play up there and take the ball down the field and score a goal." The coach finally gave in and switched him to forward. Dana said within 60 seconds he got a breakaway opportunity, took the ball down the field, and scored. Atta boy! (Just like Dad used to do in high school soccer...well....except his kick when in the goal.)
>Working with seniors can have its frustrations at times, but overall it's a blast and I can't get enough of their stories. If you don't have the patience to sit and listen to their life stories, I feel for you. You're missing out.
>Prior to the games on Monday night, both Dana and Kinley were stung by a yellowjacket (unrelated to Georgia Tech). Kinley's has gotten better. Dana's arm still looks like a red ripe tomato.
>kIDS Beach Club is going great. About to launch our first club in Paulding County. Having a good gathering of local ministers next Thursday for a brief info meeting. Fun times.
>No carbonated beverages for 30 days. I'm on day 3. So far, I don't miss it. I've heard water is good to drink every now and then. :-)
Dude...that's one BIG jar of salsa.
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