Sunday, August 19, 2007

In My Head

Some insightful randomness from days ago and days ahead:

+ Took the kids to Chuckie Cheese tonight. We wouldn't normally do that on a school night, but everyone took a super log nap today from a long weekend. I can assure you I enjoy the Chuckster just as much (reality: more) as my kids do. I especially enjoy it more since they dropped all games to 1 token. And here's a freebie for you: They don't advertise it, but you when you go to redeem your tickets, cotton candy is a choice (150 tickets). I learned that tonight and we enjoyed two bags of blue sugar. Much better than a cheap plastic fall-apart-toy.

+ The thing that stood out to me this morning during our membership orientation at Northstar Church was the proof of impact made in the community. A lot of churches TALK about reaching the community, but Northstar has become the FIRST CALL during a crisis, etc. It was neat watching a video of school principles, coaches, and even the city mayor talk about the difference a group of people have made in the community. My favorite line from the mayor: "What has always impressed me is the unconditional giving of the Northstar people. They always give without asking for anything in saying we'll give you something but you need to attend our church."

+ Played disc golf on the campus of Berry College in Rome, GA. Played early early early Saturday morning. Did I mention it was early? We saw hundreds of deer, some within 50 yards. I think Berry has the largest campus in the world, no joke. The disc golf course was nice, if you like deer droppings every 10 feet.

+ Dana starts teaching preschool on Monday.

+ Braden and Logan start soccer practice Monday night. I love soccer. Was by far my favorite sport growing up. (I wish I was in that kind of shape now!)

+ Friday we had a HUMUNGO God thing happen! A former company I worked for owed me some money, but I figured to never see it b/c they had sorta gone under. (I know, "sorta gone under" sounds weird but they "kinda" merged with another company, and now that company shut their doors.) Dana and I had family and friends coming in to town for a birthday party and wanted to splurge a little and make it a nice weekend....but things were tight. This check randomly shows up on Friday, unexpected, and enabled us to do some things we couldn't have otherwise. It should never surprise me, after all, God is in the business of providing for us and caring for us and we shouldn't worry. But it still just blows me away every time.

+ Dana is having a girls get-away this coming weekend, at the lake. I'll have all 4 kids to myself. Pray for the safety of my children! :-)

+ I have a guy get-away the following weekend in AU. (Tailgaiting, ESPN night game, Losing my voice, F-U-N.)


Amy said...

Hey! I just wanted yall to know that we had so much fun this past weekend. It was great hanging out again. Just like old times, except with little munchkins running around :)
Thanks for the great hospitality. We love you guys!