Tuesday, September 05, 2006

False Advertisement

So now that we sold our van and are in the hunt for something cheaper...I'm noticing a disappointing trend. I'm exclusively using autotrader.com and other private party seller resources in my hunt. The few vehicles I have actually gone to look at were junk. It amazes me that people don't think to maybe...oh....I don't know....maybe CLEAN your vehicle if you're trying to sell it!!!! I spent good money to have our van cleaned...I mean really cleaned...and it paid off. 1st person to look at it bought it. Just crazy. If you're going to hype up your "Runs great/No mechanical work/New tires" car - please, at least shampoo the urine out of the carpet!

(Not that this issue bothers me or anything)


Anonymous said...

I had the same experience while house hunting. Some of the houses we looked at were filthy, I wouldn't even want to live it them let alone show them for sale.

Have you tried Carmax, LL and I were really happy with our whole experience with them.

Jonathan Sutton said...

Carmax is ok, but I still will save $ by purchasing from an individual. Plus, my price range is low...like the kind of low that dealerships laugh at.

Anonymous said...

I'm no dealer, but I wouldn't laugh.

Anonymous said...

The only time I looked at Carmax, their prices were WAAAAAAY high, and their whole "no haggle pricing" deal came across more like "we don't negotiate and if you don't like it, we don't really care...you can just leave" I say, keep on looking and God will lead you where you need to be. You will always get better deals from an individuals. Post what you are looking for and how much and I'm sure we can all keep an eye out for a fellow tiger fan.