Wednesday, November 22, 2006

"Ya'll Are Everywhere" part deux

My feeble attempt at a cool picture.
Wait your turn.
Jump around.
Tim, our small group pastor, testing the theory that 5 helium filled balloons can indeed lift a Honda CRV off the ground.
Jeremy, our student pastor, showing some serious skills by chatting on the cell phone and throwing a 20 yard TD strike at the same time.
Tim showing off his cool magic trick called, "Replacing my head with a balloon."
Cute little guy.
This little dude was small but got in with the big kids and showed some serious moves.


Mark Bell said...

What's up with the new color and layout?

Mark Bell said...

Reverend Sutton,

Congrats on the ordination. I was glad to be part of your big day!

gwynn said...

Congrats to the new preacha!