Saturday, September 22, 2007


What's up crew? Been awhile, eh? On the brain this Saturday morning:

I was reminiscing the other day about tornadoes. I grew up in "Tornado Valley" (The Tennessee Valley, North Alabama). I was thinking back to the underground shelter that was owned by this crazy old dude down the road from our house. I was remembering how crazy old dude became our best friend on many occasions. :-) I also remember when we got a phone call one Friday night, after a tornado had hit the local middle school and a couple of nearby neighborhoods. We had friends in those neighborhoods. We hopped in the car to go help. I remember being shocked by what I saw. One of the neighborhoods was nice. Big houses. Big brick houses. Strong houses. Didn't matter. What came through there made everything look vulnerable and weak. We huddled together with a family that was lucky to be alive. The dad, JUST prior to the thing hitting his house, grabbed his kids and wife and threw everyone in the hallway closet and became a shield over them. As we walked through what was once a home, we were amazed how that closet was one of the few areas unharmed.

Things are going great with my work, Generation Mortgage. That's a big part of why I haven't blogged in awhile. Very busy.

HERE is a great article on Auburn's Football Program. I hope they can turn things around this year and get a few good upsets.

God may be leading Dana and I back in to churchplanting. (Never thought I would say that this soon.) Will keep everyone posted.

Last Sunday I was a main character in a sketch at Northstar Church, 3rd-5th. Getting back in to drama (specifically with kids) is awesome. I'm right at home. The main phrase last week...that we can all benefit from: "We need to look for ways to tell friends and family about Jesus."

My "little" bro is getting married in November. He's the last of us Sutton boys to get hitched. It'll be a fun time. Outdoor wedding on Monte Sano Mountain. But shhhhh...y'all don't say anything....but Justin has a little surprise coming. What, you think we wouldn't do something really really embarrassing for the last one through?


Anonymous said...

I so remember cleaning up that area and use it often in an example in class- Jason

Jonathan Sutton said...

Dude, for real. Quite a mess.

Ever use us throwing water balloons at moving cars as an example? :-)

(Hope all is well. What's your email address?)

Anonymous said...

They have heard some stories that's for sure. I miss ya man, drop me a line if you get a chance, when are you guys gonna be in town. for school for home Cell 256-656-8131 for text