Saturday, April 26, 2008

Future, Present, and 2 Week Notices

I finished out my 2 week notice yesterday. About 1/2 way in to it, I came home one evening and answered Dana's question of, "Well, how was work, how's it going?" I told her it was fine and that I was working hard to generate any business I could before I left. I was pounding the phones and touching base with as many prospects as possible. After all, whether you have 100 days left or 1, you should always do your best. That's a given.

But then I also told her of the awkwardness of a 2 week notice. Each day you come in to the office, it's like a farewell all over again. You feel like others are probably getting sick of saying the same things over and over again. You don't want to be a nuisance. The best way I could describe it to her was:

If you are not part of the future, it's kind of difficult to be part of the present.

As soon as I said it, I realized the statement could have great spiritual application. I talked with my buddy Chris about it, and we discussed how if you are not Kingdom minded, then your motivation in living for Him NOW will be minimal. If you are not looking forward to our future hope & home, then the desire to pursue the lost NOW will not be what it should be. Also, any "present sufferings" can seem unbearable without remembering the future that God has promised.

So, the challenge this week: Live Kingdom minded - therefore participating daily in the work He's called us to!


Anonymous said...

This is an amazingly valid thought...
I've changed jobs often in my career and we always joke about having "short-timers syndrome" because you are no longer invested in the ideals of where you are at.
It is definitely a concept to consider in our spiritual walks DAILY...
Thanks for you words of wisdom...

gwynn said...

Great post

Anonymous said...

That is a great word!