Monday, May 05, 2008


One immediate result of me getting to hang in Cartersville now, being on church staff, is getting to hear more stories....stories from our volunteers, stories from strangers, stories from kids and parents and leaders and new Christians and long time followers. Everyone has a story. And over the past 48 hours I've been blessed by hearing a few. I always walk away from it with a renewed awe and thankfulness for God. The stuff He pulls us through...and forgives...and how He raises up what is considered lowly or poor - and for His glory, renews it and then uses us to change the world, one relationship at a time.

So, share your story. (Even if you think you have a "boring" story of being saved an early such thing as a "weak" testimony.) And listen to other's stories. Be encouraged and appreciate the greatness of our God, who is ever pursuing.


Anonymous said...

Saved at a Baileys Smith crusade. I was going through a mini rebellion so I was grounded. Therefore, I was unable to sit with my friends at the crusade. I had to sit with my parents. I heard nothing of this man's message. Absolutely nothing. I was sitting next to my parents with a scoul on my face the entire time. Then he gets to the invitation and says he isn't going to close the invitation because he feels strongly there are people out there that Jesus was trying to talk to. He said to turn to the person sitting next to you and say "I'll see you in heaven when I die".. Easy enough, right? No! I turned to my mom and burst into tears. For once, I couldn't look her in the face and lie. The lord speaks to you when you least expect it. I was fortunate enough to listen!