Thursday, August 07, 2008

Fruitcake & Ice Cream

I've been listening to some very good online sermons lately...and I HAD to share this one with everyone. Please go HERE and find the series called "Home Free - Even Me". It's a 2 part series and the 2nd message is entitled "Fruitcake & Ice Cream". Listen to it please.

The whole message is's Louie talking about the grace of God. But, if you are limited on time, skip about 50% in to the message and listen to the real life story of a college student. Louie is reading from her journal. Listen all the way to the end.

Amazing amazing story.
Amazing amazing God.
Amazing amazing grace.



Anonymous said...

wow this was awesome. It was totally worth staying up late to listen to. The teens of today need stories like Ashley's, like mine. Stories of grace and hope and unfailing love, unconditional love.

Jonathan Sutton said...

awesome? yes!
did i cry? you better believe it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this! What a wonderful message. I have been asking my sister to come to Oak Leaf for a while now. She never makes it. She might listen to this since she can do it in bed whatever time she wants. She has had a horrible week. She needs to get right with our Loving God. Thank you so much for posting this.

Cindy Walraven

Jacob Summs said...

I just did a searh for fruitcake and icecream and your blog came up. The girl behind the story, my sister Ashley was also amazing

BriannaRome said...

I just finished watching Fruitcake and Ice Cream, and it touched me to my soul. Jacob, thank you and your family for allowing Louie to share your sisters story. There are so many young people, like myself, who can relate to her. I hope her story continues to spread the love and grace that God offers us all.