Friday, October 13, 2006

Politics Schmolitics

I know nothing about this book. I'm not endorsing it. Just needed a pic to make my point. (Though the title is intriguing.) Amazing how you can be completely engrossed in something and then a few years later not give a rip. So it is with me and politics. I used to daily visit and and so forth. I used to have far more conversations about the difference between a conservative and a liberal. I think I've just gotten fed up...and maybe also realized there a far more important things to be devoting my time and energy towards (now if I could just cure my obsession with Auburn football!).

Seriously, though, the same ole rhetoric from both sides is taxing (no pun intended) on one's spirit. The most frustrating part about politics: The amount of things NOT ACCOMPLISHED due to selfish, self-serving, greedy, playing the game politicians.

It's such a balance, isn't it? There are extremes on both sides, right? One side says it's my "duty" as a Christian to fight for all things holy (a.k.a. "conservative"). I should be in your face vocal about the moral issues of the day. The other extreme tells me to remove myself from the political process altogether. Have nothing to do with it.

I know one thing: we should pray hard for the Christ followers God calls into politics. What a tough job. That, my friend, is a special calling. Would be too frustrating for me. I'd want to slap somebody.

So the point of my rant? Not sure. Many. One thing is for certain though (as I was reminded of at the Catalyst Conference):
"...the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone he wishes." Daniel 4:25


Anonymous said...

wow, you and me both! There are so many important issues that need to be handled, but no one with any interest in what is best for the country, only what is best for them. I'm sick of politicians not listening to the people that they represent. Last poll I saw, like 70% of the population wanted something done about border control, and we build a wall that doesn't even go the whole border between us and mexico? Can you say waste of money!