Ahhh...that time of year again. Time for Christians to hash out whether their kids should participate in Halloween traditions, etc. No need to list out their arguments here - they're all too familiar to everyone. But I do love the church signs that pop up this time of year. I find it funny that most festivals held by churches are called "Trunk or Treat". I pass by this church everyday when I take my oldest son Braden to school:

Nothing against this church, but c'mon...we need to be able to laugh at that. How cheesy. How funny. I suppose they accomplished their mission though. When I saw "Beware" on one side, I had to know what the other side said. A church just down the road from this one recently had on their sign: "Our Daily Menu, God's Word, KJV". Ahhh...the KJV debate, now that's a treat.
I like that some churches have NEEWOLLAH (Halloween backwards) celebrations.
"could it be.....SATAN" -- SNL 'Church Lady'
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