Friday, March 21, 2008

mEsSeD uP helping the MeSsEd Up

Friday's Quick Word:

When I think about Oak Leaf's volunteers...or Elevation's volunteers...or essentially any ministry's volunteers - I think something is cool. Consider this: You have a couple hundred (thousand) people who work like crazy for a portable church - because they love Christ, want to introduce as many people to Him as possible, and have a passion for serving their community. And not to oversimplify it, but it boils down to messed up people helping messed up people. What? You don't think there are problems in a sea of volunteers? These ordinary people....folks with credit card bills, stresses from work, pasts that still haunt them, etc...have made themselves available for the Kingdom Agenda. What an amazing picture! Christ's transforming power, made alive in us. Ordinary people doing extra ordinary things. An army of crazy, sold out (to use a 90's Christian term) individuals who are not near perfect but are allowing God to reshape/remold/redefine their lives and then in turn, pour every ounce of themselves into someone in need.

Can't wait for tomorrow.