Tuesday, March 04, 2008

More Than You Know

Last Saturday, our 2 year old Camden decided to entertain the back half of a restaurant with some of his dance moves. Every eye was glued to this superstar. So much so, that we had an older guy approach us and give us a "this is what it's all about" speech....talking about his love for children and the importance of family.

Driving home from that experience made me think a little. Here we were in a typical stressful situation. Ever gone out to eat with 4 kids under the age of 6? Do you actually expect them to be quiet? And in the midst of that stress and just wanting to get our food and get out, one of our kids starts doing what he does best - BEING A KID. And in doing so, brings a ton of smiles and ton of laughter to ordinary strangers.

Here's the tie in for ya: For those in ministry or your career or in the service industry or whatever, be encouraged today. The tedious tasks of your weekly routine can be tiresome, I know. You may feel like you are spinning your wheels. For those in ministry, you may have hit a wall with trying to figure out why more people are not showing up...or why the community won't respond to your acts of service. But hang in. Hold on. Right in the middle of all the chaos, people are observing (more important, God is being honored) and you are blessing the socks off someone, whether you know it or not. Feel like you are managing 4 kids in a busy restaurant? Is it crazy yet? GOOD. Cause in the midst of that, your 2 year old is doing what God made him to do. It's making a difference - more than you know.


Farah said...

Great post! I do think DAx and Cole do way more "ministering" most days than I do and they are not even trying!!