Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Be The Active Ingredient

I don't frequent Smoothie King too often. Just have never been real big on spending $5 for flavored crushed ice. But as I stood in line at the mall last week waiting on my strawberry/banana/protein/superduperhealthy concoction, I caught their slogan on the wall: "Be The Active Ingredient." I thought to myself - what a great line.

Here's how I translate that statement: YOU be the difference maker. Yes, we will provide important stuff - protein, vitamins, flavor, nasty junk to ruin your otherwise sweet sugary milkshake - but YOU must implement it, YOU must apply it. Be the ACTIVE ingredient.

(Yes, I overthink things.)

But think about it. What a cool line. Applied to your job it means: Yes, surround yourself with wise business people, good systems, financially sound decisions, etc. But YOU must be the active ingredient. YOU must passionately pursue your God given role. (Hope this does not sound "self-helpish"...I don't intend it to be.)

Applied to the church and ministry: Volunteer, Follower of Christ, listen up: BE THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT! Don't just sit back and expect the leaders of your church to babysit you and hold your hand through routine church programs. Be the active ingredient! Pursue your lost neighbor and hurting friend with reckless abandonment! Yes, the church is there to provide you nourishment and discipleship and tools. But YOU must step out in faith and personally take responsibility for what God has called you to. God has given you everything necessary to live out your faith - now DO IT.

Without being an Active Ingredient, you just simply have lots of good stuff sitting and becoming sour.