Sunday, August 05, 2007

Quite Simple: Love

"It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres."
1 Cor 13:7

I'm blessed. Actually, blessed is an understatement. I feel like the most fortunate dude alive. I've been involved with some incredible ministries - churches, outreach groups, campus stuff, etc. Today's message at Northstar reminded me about the common denominator in each of these places. Mike Linch wrapped up the Summer of Love series and talked about how love always protects, always looks for the best in others, always places others first, and never gives up on people. It was a powerful message...but what is more powerful is the people and actions behind the message.

When I think about these places of impact I think of the simple common feature: Love. Of the various things I've been involved with, the various states I've lived, the one common thing about the good ministries is the contagiousness of the people; the love they poured out on others.

It's important to note just how different all of these places are. Different philosophies. Different approaches to ministry. Different styles. Different convictions on various topics. But their heart for people, their contagious love - the common denominator - made such a huge impact on me.

West Huntsville Baptist Church - I've never been around a more loving, caring group of people - ever. I don't just say this b/c I grew up in this church. I say this b/c it's the solid truth. There's a "love you no matter what" attitude that permeates that place. Almost like an Auburn family feel----despite the pastor being a Bama fan. :-)

Charleston Outreach - I've never been around a more hard working, "labor of love" group in my life. I've never seen so many hearts break for those in their community...and be resolved to bring healing to the many hurts. Though Dana and I just spent a summer there, it's forever embedded in me.

NorthStar Church - It's been just a couple of weeks since we arrived at our new home and I'm blown away by the heart of this church. I knew of it's's hard to avoid hearing about the impact their making in this area. It's so much more than style or the Sunday morning service. People matter. Period. How we love others matters. Period. Loving God, Loving Others. Period. Good stuff.

This week: Love like crazy. That's the challenge for me this week. Join me.