Monday, April 30, 2007

Monday Morning Update

> Trip to Dallas was phenominal! (More to come on that as we prayfully consider accepting the position.)

> I paid no attention to the NFL draft this weekend. College ball is WAY much better.

> My boy's t-ball team is 0-3. But they think they're 3-0. Plus, they get juice boxes and chips after the who cares, eh?

> God continues to bless Oak Leaf. It is way way way exciting! People are being saved and families are being changed. Me and Dana are migrating back into Kidventure, helping out where we can.

> Every other Sunday night I get together with a group of guys to play poker. Fun fun times. It has become my quality "guy time"...which has been lacking for a couple of years. We have a ton of fun.

> Thank you Lord that warm weather has finally arrived! Can't wait to start heading over to the lake.

> Today's verse: Psalm 119:16
I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.