Thursday, April 19, 2007

Never Say Never

I've concluded that the following statement is absolutely true: "Never Say Never". Never say you won't do something. Specifically, never say you won't do THIS or THAT in ministry or in your career. You just never know. God has a sense of humor. More importantly, he has the power to change your heart...and your desires...and your passion.

When Dana first started leading the kid's ministry at Oak Leaf, I mostly stayed away. I think I did what most people do when it comes to children's ministry (unfortunately): I only helped out when I ABSOLUTELY HAD TO. And my mind was not focused on the task at hand. It was only thinking about what I was missing elsewhere.

---I think I even said somewhere in the middle of it all: "I will never do any kind of children's ministry."---

Funny how things change. After several months of working in Kidventure and realizing undiscovered God-given gifts, I think God has prepared both of us for a future of working with kids. The setting? Not sure yet. There are some upcoming involving doing kid's ministry IN SCHOOLS - which I'm very pumped about since my heartbeat is to connect the church with the community.

Funny how the one thing you thought you would hate can become the VERY THING you long to do.