Monday, April 02, 2007

Stronger Than Words

Dana and I went to Huntsville this past weekend for my father's retirement party. I had never been to this type of gathering, but I figured they would have some sort of "roasting" I prepared. And just so you know, he's not really retired. In fact, he starts with another company mid-April. (But hey, any excuse to throw a celebration!)

So I wrote a few funny (at least in my mind) things down about his seen threw my eyes growing up. I won't bore you with inside jokes, but just know there was a lot of bathroom humor involved. I concluded my little roast by reading a portion of an email he recently sent me. It was an encouragement he felt compelled to send b/c he knows Dana and I are going through a trying time (no, not in our marriage...she knows she's stuck...ha). Just with ministry and job(s) and life overall, it's just one of those times. So through this email he reminded me that God has great plans for us and that He is preparing us for something big. And he said something else that has stuck: He reminded me that God is concerned with my reaction (to our circumstances).

So it was neat standing in front of people that have known my parents for decades - church folk, co-workers, family, friends, neighbors - and saying to my Dad, "Thanks Dad for the encouragement. It was something I needed. But please know that you didn't have to say anything, you have already taught me this BY EXAMPLE."

Actions truly do speak louder than words, don't they? Many of us SAY we are trusting God or SAY we doing this or doing that...but actions reveal a lot, don't they? My Dad is no perfect dude (he would want that to be said), but as I thought back to his attitude and reactions to tough circumstances, I realized what I needed to emulate. When life throws you curveballs (overused analogy) you can stand firm, unshaken, knowing you are being prepared.

Sometimes some things just need to be said. But most seems to me...that your actions (and reactions) say plenty.

Thanks Dad.