Wednesday, April 04, 2007

What's It Worth?

2 days a week I work for Verizon Wireless (best wireless carrier in the country...don't even try to argue, I'll put you in the ground - with cold hard facts!...oh, sorry about that). So tonight a lady comes in looking to activate 3 lines of service. She said her credit was not so great and when we ran her application it came back with a $1000 deposit...(wait for it)....PER LINE. Usually that's plenty to scare them away.

But not tonight.

She proceeds to sign up, adding to the sale 3 high end phones with 3 leather cases and 2 car chargers. Grand total of $3545. Pays with CASH. (Yes, customer was verified, not anything shady.)

So, what's a cell phone worth to you? The price of a used car?