Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thanks For The Random "War Eagle"

I was in a local drive-thru this afternoon when a lady behind me honked her horn. Looking in my rear view mirror, my first thought was, "Oh, huh, I must know this lady," so I stuck my head out the window while waiting on my Double Decker Soft Taco Supreme (oh wait, that gives away the restaurant, eh?). As soon as I did she yells, "Hey, WAR EAGLE!". (I have an Auburn bumper sticker.) Now keep in mind, I live in NW Georgia. You don't hear that uttered too often. And plus, it's not football season. And plus, it was at a Taco Bell drive thru - quite random!

So thanks lady. You reminded of why I like (miss) AUburn so much. It's far more than a college experience. Far more than tailgaiting on Saturdays. Even saying it's "Family" is an understatement. So thanks, and as I said today, "War Eagle to you!"

p.s. For all UGA fans and other simple minded creatures, I'm not going to explain the legend of War Eagle anymore. No links this time. Do your own research this time. After living in GA for 2.5 years I'm quite tired of explaining such a simple tradition. Get a clue. p.s.s. Jesus Loves You.


Aubrey said...

War Eagle, hon. From your hometown. And, I get it. You would think that in the age of the internet, folks would quit asking 'War Eagle...what?' and use the intelligence that the good Lord doused them with. Hope all is well!!!