Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Healer Horse

Man regains sight after horse headbutt
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A man who was blinded in his right eye by a piece of shrapnel in the Second World War has had his vision restored after being headbutted by a racehorse.
Paddock security guard Don Karkos, 82, was putting a collar around the neck of My Buddy Chimo at Monticello Raceway in New York State when the accident happened.
He said: “I've been seeing doctors all my life, and they've always told me that nothing can be done.” Experts believe the blow could have knocked a dislocated lens into place.

Heard this on Paul Harvey today. Great story. Can you imagine being blind in one eye that long...and then, BAM, headbutted by a horse restores your sight!?!?! Crazy. (Yes, I fully expect some wackos to create a following for this horse...declaring it to be a miracle worker...TV show to come.)

Here's the full story: LINK