Monday, December 18, 2006

Not Jesus

So I'm taking my 5yr old and 2 of our neighbor's kids to school this I do every morning. Most of the time it's rather quiet in the car. I'm not a morning person, so I'm often quiet, just driving and thinking about all the things I need to do for the day. Other times I try and chit chat with the kiddos about whatever. This morning, I tried to initiate a little conversation and threw out the question, "So, what are ya'll going to learn about in school today?" I didn't really expect an answer. The neighbor's kids are 8 and 6. Braden is 5. If they did answer, I expected something along the lines of "numbers or letters", etc. Well, what I got has thrown me for a loop this morning. Braden immediately said, "Not Jesus." I responded with, "Not Jesus?...well, where do you learn about Jesus?" We then discussed how church and the home are where you mostly learn about Jesus.

Now the whole Public vs. Private vs. Homeschool debate is churning in my head (and stomach) again. The answer didn't surprise me. After all, he goes to the local public school. I don't expect him to hear about Jesus...or anything remotely related to Jesus there. But his answer is interesting, isn't it? On one hand I hate it b/c I want as many people as I can get surrounding my children with truth. On the other hand, it's ok, maybe even "good" because it a. set up an opportunity for me to share with him how he is to take his light into places like his school and b. he is recognizing at an early age differing beliefs and how he is to be different.

While this certainly raises questions about schooling solidly confirms one thing. When my children are asked, "Where DO YOU learn about Jesus?"...I want them to naturally and immediately think of "Home" first. That's the lesson here.