Friday, December 15, 2006


I was recently convicted about how I respond to things, people, circumstances, etc. Reaction matters, doesn't it? How we respond to things speaks volume about our faith. It communicates grace and patience and love...or it communicates impatience, anger, and ungodly behavior. In fact, how we respond to people...especially those who mistreat us...could possibly be the strongest testimony we carry.
Lately, I've allowed stress and frustration to throw me off track. I've been harsh in my reactions. If not harsh, I've just been indifferent. In all relationships we have moments of conflict. In our job and in our homes we all have those moments when our response to someone's behavior will steer the conversation towards peace or towards more conflict.
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1