Monday, February 04, 2008

Buy 4, Get 1 Free

My Random Monday 5:

1. I predicted the Giants would win the Super Bowl about 2 months ago. (Wish I was a bettin' man....ha.)

2. 1/2 our family has/had strep throat here recently. The bad part about this strand? 24 hours of vomiting.

3. The main point of the lesson on Sunday - K thru 5th grade - was Disciples of Jesus use their gifts to help others.

4. I would love to live in Charleston, S.C. again. I lived there for a summer back in 98. Man, that place rocks.

5. While coaching Upward Basketball, it's difficult to keep resisting the temptation of grabbing the basketball, dunking it on the 7 ft goal, and then saying, "Ha, take that you 1st grader!" Ok, just playin.


Unknown said...

dude you should so dunk!!!!!!!!!!
thats awesome man, i actually laughed outloud.