Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Forgive Me Fellas

To all my buds. To all my dudes. To those who I've sweated with on the ball field. To those who've I've been fishing with. Poker buddies. Gentleman.

I've disappointed you. Though recoverable, I've made a mistake.

I used an Arbonne product this morning. Some kind of soothing lotion cream to be exact. But don't go taking points away from me just yet. I didn't purchase it myself. My wife gave it to me. It was some kind of gift to us from a friend. It apparently is supposed to calm you or something. Who knows. But as soon as I used it, I knew I'd have to come on here and make this confession. Please forgive me.

To make up for it, I will either shoot a squirrel this weekend or maybe just burp a lot.


KTP said...

Arbonne bad, Brown's Essentals GOOD!