Monday, June 02, 2008

Officially Kicked Out

Well, my wife has officially kicked me out. Done. Over. No more. My stuff is currently in boxes. Yep, she's taken over our home office. My Auburn football helmet is no longer wanted. My "I might need this one day" junk is boxed up as well. My diploma, on the floor. Her brand new diploma, now on the wall. And it wouldn't be official without other new changes: she's got fru-fru curtains up, nice artsy pics on the wall... and worse yet, the office now smells good. Gee, next thing I know we'll be using the home office for actual work and not as a storage unit. :-)

And since I share a church office with 2 other people, I'm hunting for some space. I think I may buy an old painter's van and just office out of it. :-)