Wednesday, June 04, 2008

What Are You Looking For?

Talked to a buddy recently who said he was looking for excitement...within his church. He so badly wants there to be passion stirring, hearts bustin' at the seams, lives being changed, and well...just excitement.

I remember over 2 years ago, after helping launch Oak Leaf, and then as we got rolling month after month, I remember telling Dana, "I love being part of a God movement where there is energy and excitement. There are challenges. There is a HUGE mission. It's just exciting and I love being part of it."

That same zeal is present now. I love being part of something changing...important. I've grown more in the past 2 years than I had in the previous...well, a long time. Thank you Oak Leaf (people). You are a huge blessing to me and my family. You've strengthened my family and have renewed a hunger within me to share the Gospel - at all times, to everyone.

Excitement: not unspiritual to look for.