Tuesday, June 17, 2008

U do the math

Ok, we all know that ministry cannot be reduced down to a formula. However, I'm curious. What would you put in the following: (feel free to explain your answers or not)

__________ + ____________ = "Successful" Children's Ministry


Anonymous said...

in my perception, "successful" would mean children accepting Christ - so it would be more "successful" to see kids giving their heart to Jesus than to see 500 kids in attendance, kwim? I mean, 500 kids would be awesome, but not if you aren't really reaching them for Jesus.
Kingdom-minded adults with a heart for children + children.
Whatever you can do to get those adults in the right place with those children.
All the other stuff (games, prizes, special events, etc..) are good draws so that those kingdom-minded adults can reach more children for Christ, i'm not saying those things are bad - but the end result of ONE child accepting Christ would have to be the ultimate test of success in that circumstance