Saturday, June 21, 2008

Pool Rulz

Took 3 of the kids to the pool by myself yesterday. (I do not necessarily suggest this...take 3 preschoolers to the pool by yourself at your own risk.)

A few observations:
  • Lots of swimming makes kids tired...therefore, they go to bed easier. Thank you pool. :-)
  • My 2 yr old has no fear of the water - none whatsoever. He's jumping in like it's a bowl of jello.
  • If a frog appears poolside, it will capture all kid's attention. It will keep their attention for over 1/2 an hour. Consequently, the frog will eventually be crushed by some kid who squeezes too hard. Sorry frog.
  • I'm trying to get better about turning off ministry stuff in my mind and enjoying the moment - with my kids, at the pool.
Off to the lake today. More water, more fun.
Hope to see everyone at OLC tomorrow.