Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What Breath Mints Taught Me Today

Driving home from work today, I looked down at the small blue tub of Icebreaker breath mints sitting in my passenger seat. After popping one in my mouth, I observed the 2 tabs. The first says "to share". The second, naturally, says "not to share". For those of you who have enjoyed these tasty treats, you know that the "to share" tab is much bigger. When you pop that side open, about 1/2 the top comes open, giving easy access for someone to reach inside and grab one (or more). The "not to share" side only gives a small space, ideal for shaking out one mint for yourself.

So here's the attempt at illustrating a point. When we get bold and share our lives (example: a journey group at church), or share our stuff (giving is better than receiving), and share our talents and our insights, share our lives by investing in the life of a kid or troubled teen, etc, we're more open for God's blessings and more open for great big stuff in our lives - learning from others. Like the mints (yeah, I know it's a stretch, just stay with me) with the "to share" side, the opportunities are just better. On the opposite end, when you decide not to share and stay selfish with the talents God has given you, it's easy to become self-centered, self-serving, and miss out on one of the greatest blessings of life - giving of yourself to lift someone else up.

So the challenge: SHARE. Whatever that means for you. Perhaps it's opening up with a group and sharing a struggle. Maybe it's sharing a gift you possess with the church, something you've been holding back on cause you've been nervous about serving. Share your Nintendo DS games - in case my 6 yr old reads this. And my favorite: share your wisdom and life experience and smile with a preschooler or elementary kid at Oak Leaf on Sunday morning. :-)

by the way: the blue ones are better than the green ones


Pat Dennis (mailbox@pmdennis.com) said...

Johathan, you need to take a look at Icebreaker's new packaging.