Tuesday, June 19, 2007

IT people rock

IT people, weird as they may be sometimes, absolutely rock....well, at some companies they do...ok, let me clarify...cause probably most don't. The new company I'm at, Generation Mortgage, they ROCK! Just down to earth (yes, nerdy) cool dudes. Patient. And they listen to you. Imagine that! I had a minor problem with my computer and the dude fixed it quickly. Actually, in our transition into their company and moving offices, etc, we've encountered many technical challenges and they've addressed them all.

If there's one thing I could go back and change, it would have been getting into computers much sooner. Though I don't envy their countless hours of staring at a computer screen, I do wish I had the skills of a computer programmer (web designer). But for now, I'll stick to knowing how to turn a computer on and off and typing up a Microsoft word document. Hip hip.