Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sometimes You Just Gotta Laugh

I'm not sure what possesses Dana and I to brave restaurants with 4 kids. It's almost like we forget how bad it was the last time...and think it will be better, so we try again. Tonight was prime example. About 1/2 way into the meal, the dam broke. Kids-craziness-tired-stress-more stress-loud-sit down-don't do that please-I need to go potty. Then another one, I want to go too. Then another one, where ya goin? For a good 5 minutes, we were all gone from the table. The scene had been made. I'm sure some in the restaurant felt sorry for us, others begging for peace and quiet. I was in the bathroom with Logan, giving him a "fatherly talk". Dana had the other 3. After Logan had calmed down, I anticipated returning to the table where silence and bliss would be...with everyone enjoying their meal and with order restored. Instead, it seemed worse. Camden was ready for bed. Kinley was being little Miss Priss. Logan couldn't decide his mood. And then I saw Braden crying. That's odd. He's the oldest. Usually he's the last to cry. I asked Dana what happened. "Oh, in the bathroom he smashed his finger on the soap dispenser." Ok, I thought, that's a legitimate reason to cry. Poor guy. I turned to him and asked, "Which finger buddy?" (You probably have a good feeling where this is heading.) "This one!", he exclaimed, as he jolted his middle finger (and only his middle finger) into the air for all to see.

Sometimes you need an over-the-top act in an over-the-top situation to drive the insanity level to record levels and show you that all is OK. We had a great laugh over this. I'm still laughing now. My son unintentionally flicked a bird in the restaurant...in the midst of chaos. Sometimes you just gotta laugh.


Anonymous said...

That is too funny! It made my night! By the way, I really enjoy reading your blog. You by far have the most thought provoking entries....I even have Jason on here every now and again! We miss you guys!

Susan Edwards

Jonathan Sutton said...

Thanks Susan. Tell big dog J I said hello! Hopefully we will be visiting Huntsvegas soon!

Aubrey said...

See, this is the life we were meant to live. Crazy happiness amidst crazy chaos. =)